Krill's Universe of Science: Pin Hole Theory

The Krill Pin Hole Theory

A singularity is said to contain an infinite amount of matter, yet in the event of it's explosion, all of it's contents are expelled in a single blast. After all of its energy has been exhausted from expansion it will then collapse. The process then recycles.

Since this oscillation occures, the singularity could not be infinitly dense, but quite finite because theoretically all substances going in and out are accounted for; what goes in can come out (usually in a different form) later. Now for this oscillation to happen there would have to be an unaparrent pressure creating a push/pull effect. *This oscillation can not begin untill one side has reached it's critical mass, otherwise it will remain the way it is due to it's emence attraction on itself (see trigger postulate).

To maintain this pressure the opening between both sides would have to be tiny. This is what we now know as a point singularity. So this now demonstrates a singularity NOT as a point with infinite mass and density, but a "Pinhole" leading to another side where one of those sides is always under more pressure than the other untill equalibrium is achieved.

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